Thursday, May 23, 2013

getting old(er)

so 25 is not old, i know. but this week i am feeling old. how come?
  1. as referenced in my last post, i knew three people who died. in one week. 
  2. my beloved grandma shank is dying too, and i am expecting a call any minute letting me know she passed.
  3. i said to lance, "i guess that's what getting old is. you just start knowing more and more people who die." he said no, but i'm not convinced. 
  4.  last weekend we were at a friends house til merely 2 a.m. and the next day i was SO TIRED. lance and i both took naps. (it had been a really full saturday but still, what the heck?!) we talked about how we get tired much quicker than back when we were first started dating and could stay up until all hours of the night and still go into work the next day, no problem. i was fretting and saying i hope we're not always so tired. lance said, "that's what marriage is. being tired together." he was joking, but i still freaked out because i hate that thought - and refuse to believe it.
  5.  i bought night cream for my face yesterday. i was looking for something else at cvs and saw it and decided to go for it. tried it last night and my face felt amazing this morning. (maybe i'm behind on this though, i never really know what i should be doing for my skin/makeup/hair, gah.)
  6. i'm researching washers and dryers to buy and i am really excited about it. our apartment complex has several laundromats that we've been paying to use, but we have already had so many laundry debacles ... and hate wasting time running back and forth ... that we decided this investment will be worth it. i am very much looking forward to being able to do laundry at home, yay!
i am trying to think of reasons to counter those things with that i am still young ... all i can think of is that i am in great shape. and i still like wearing a bikini. someone once told me to cherish your body before you have kids, because it will never be the same. eeek. and to enjoy wearing a bikini then too. so i do. because i totally wasted time in high school always thinking my stomach was fat ... ?! i was tiny! confidence makes a world of difference. so does actually working out to be healthy and in shape versus watching what you eat to be skinny. sigh. i was just hit with one of the best parts of getting old: wisdom.

another reason i'm not afraid of getting old is because i have always admired people who are older than me. in general i prefer hanging out with people older than me. i adore senior citizens too. i might just have an old soul. people (jennifer aniston, my mom, george clooney, michelle pfeiffer, etc) still look great at all ages, so ya know, it's all good. really, really good actually.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yes. your body will never be the same. but i wouldn't trade my kids for my old body...i just appreciate what i had a lot more. :) great seeing you monday.