Wednesday, June 15, 2011

right on the money honey

allowing words to move you is one of many things that makes being a nerd worthwhile. as soon as my summer class ended i hit the library and signed out way too many books. i'm in the middle of "the history of love" by nicole krauss and can't wait to read everything that she's written. one of my favorite lines? "once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question that he wanted to spend the rest of his life answering." aw. :-) also reading john piper, nicholas sparks, stormie omartian and my all-time favorite beth moore.

my sensational gem of a friend becky had a *terrific* quote on her blog by paulo coelho that led me to google more of his stuff. he has a way with words. i started copying his quotes into my journal but my hand got tired and i decided typing them out would be much easier. so these are mostly for my personal enjoyment, but enjoy anyway.

"Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing which decision to take is the worst of suffering."

"If you have a dream, don’t waste your energies explaining why."

"Forgive but do not forget, or you will be hurt again. Forgiving changes the perspectives. Forgetting loses the lesson."

"Smiling non-stop works, makes you and people around you feel better, and it does not blind you to the problems around that must be solved. Try it. Smile now."
"What money can’t buy is much more important than what money can buy."

"Don’t allow your wounds to turn you into a person you are not."

"Be careful. You can hurt with your words, but you can also hurt with your silence."
(this is so good, i hate when people refuse to address things or avoid talking about something because it's uncomfortable. get over yourself.)

"I believe that when we look for love courageously, it reveals itself, and we attract even more love. If one person really wants us, everyone does. But if we’re alone, we become even more alone. Life is strange…"

"To believe in your path you don’t need to prove that other people’s choices are wrong."

"How long will you keep pounding on an open door?"
[all quotes by paulo coelho]

1 comment:

Heather Buckwalter said...

love the quotes and i must be a nerd too because i just signed out five books at the library, all of which i specially requested and all autobiographies. i love reading about other people's lives. here's to summer reading! ;)
love ya, heather