Tuesday, August 25, 2015


i am moving soon. geographically and internet-ally.

it didn't occur to me to write about moving houses until i typed that headline and thought, 'oh yeah i AM moving soon and i haven't said a thing about it on the blog.' labor day will mark one year in our rental house, and while we made it cozy and loved the memories we made in it we are even more excited about our new house and more space.

if you want to hear more about the new house and all of the adventures that are sure to come, you'll want to make note of the fact that i am moving INTERNET-ALLY. that's right, my new blog is waiting for you at chelseapeifer.com.

i will leave this site up for maybe one month so that the handful of readers i know i have (hi mom, aunt deb, laura, bridget and groshy!) and the mysterious few from cali and germany and punxatawney  that i only know i have because of the sidebar blog ticker (hi my much-loved mystery friends!) have a chance to see this message.

please change your bookmarks or update your favorites bar ... add me to your blogroll ... or make whatever changes you need to so that you can follow me at chelseapeifer.com.

even though my life moves rapidly from one change to another - as clearly evidenced in my EIGHT years blogging here - i am very resistant to change when it comes to learning new technology. i need to fight that resistance and force myself to learn new things - hence, a new blog with new goals.

thank you, thank you, thank you for reading! and commenting - the comments always make my day.

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