Sunday, November 3, 2013

a few fall pictures

these are all pictures swiped from friends. 
i've gotta do a better job of taking pictures, eek.

meagan (due march 19) and me (due february 16) at our friend sarah's wedding. 
i was a bridesmaid. it was fun. and cold, since it was outside at a beautiful ranch. 

i sat next to an old man at the reception who told me to name the baby samuel. because his name was richard, and it's just so hard having a name that isn't in the bible. except his name has "rich" in it and that is in the bible a lot, so he said that helps. he is the second person who has suggested a bible name to me. unsolicited.  no wonder people find christians weird. i really don't mind the random suggestions, but i do find it very amusing.

my mom had an awesome baby shower for me while i was in PA. i love my family and friends!

halloween at my friend laura's house.

columbus cottonmouths ice hockey game with lots of ranger wives.

proceeds from the game went to corporal josh hargis and his family. (i posted about him here. he lost both legs last month and is recovering in texas. his wife is pregnant with their first child and due this spring.)

i'm not sure if they always do a military slideshow at intermission or if it was special for that night, but i was trying not to watch it because it was putting me on the brink of a teary meltdown. the pictures were playing to the toby keith song "american soldier." i was so glad when one of the wives behind me said, "are they TRYING to get ALL of us to cry and break down here?!" ha. it was super sweet and i love that they did that, but it is just not something you want to watch when you're majorly missing your husband.

they had some rangers at the game to escort us to our cars at the end of the night too. which i love. the emphasis on being a gentleman is one of my favorite things about rangers. the rangers i know are total gentleman and it's the best. respect is huge and there are consequences and major disrespect for anyone who doesn't take care of their wife and family. and i'm pretty sure that's how God intended it to be. ;)

1 comment:

Angela said...

I love your baby bump - you look great!