Friday, June 14, 2013

popcorn, CDD's, sunburn & joy

chelsea: "i'm thinking about making popcorn, what do you think?" 
lance: "i would eat some popcorn." 
chelsea: "popcorn is like, irresistible, you can't help but eat some if it's there ..." 
lance: "so basically i am a synonym for popcorn." 
chelsea: "i was just going to say that if i was a food i would be popcorn!"
... sometimes we are scary weird ALIKE.

then we watched pitch perfect, which is still one of my current favorite movies. so funny. when lance came home from work yesterday he surprised me with that movie and flowers. which was super sweet and helped with the sting of getting rejected from more jobs yesterday. i apply for jobs here like it is my job, and i am so frustrated with it.

it was only one job rejection yesterday, and it was for a bank. a bank is kind of an odd thing for me to be applying for anyway, because when i created the online log-in account to apply for the job, one of the security questions i used was: "what was your least favorite subject in school?" and my answer was "math." maybe that was a clever secret test and disqualified me immediately.

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last night i was talking to my dad about buying a TV, among other things.
dad: "yeah that's a good idea, get a nice one you can play CDD's in or whatever you call them. i had a radio that played CDD's or whatever they are, but it broke ..."
i am not opposed to referring to CD's and DVD's as CDD's from now on in honor of this conversation.

on a more serious note we were talking about memory. Dad said i have a good memory, and i said i got it from him. he remembers everything and tells great stories. he said he guesses. then, "some things i would better forget. that's the thing about memory, it can be good or bad." how true.

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 on saturday lance and i were at the lake beach at callaway gardens. beautiful place and beautiful weather. very sunny. asked lance if he wanted sunscreen. he said no because he didn't feel sun. hmm. i could sure feel that i was getting sun, but i wasn't going to argue. mostly because sunscreen is annoying. eventually we both put sunscreen on, but by then it was probably 4:30 p.m. and we soon left.

so we both got burnt. the difference between us (besides our skin tones, ahem) is that i was not surprised, but when lance was looking in the mirror he kept exclaiming, "i can't believe this! i can't believe how burnt i got!" 

i am laughing right now just thinking about it. i had to convince him that putting aloe on would help it go away faster. he agreed and it worked. (and i am only including this detail for future reference so i can remind him of the time i was right about aloe.)

i had lance put lotion on my back where i got burnt and he said, "i hope you know what a sacrifice this is for me." i thought he was joking, because in my mind rubbing lotion on your wife's body would be an easy, really good thing. "yeah i bet babe ... wait are you being serious?" "yeah, i hate lotion and now it's all over my hands." i forgot how much he hates lotion. but if that is the biggest sacrifice you have to make in this marriage i think you're set.

yesterday i noticed lance's skin was peeling as soon as he got home. but a few hours later HE noticed. "am i peeling? i'm peeling! i can't believe this ... i can't believe i'm peeling!"

i could not stop laughing, but he said, "babe, ya gotta understand ..."

still laughing: "oh boy. anytime you say 'babe, ya gotta understand' i know i'm in for an interesting lecture."

lance has prefaced some mildly ridiculous lectures with that phrase in the past. but he went on to say that most guys think of themselves as invincible, so when something happens - be it sunburn, injury, whatever - it is a bit of a shock. hmm. that actually makes complete sense and is good to know. time to start taking my 'babe, ya gotta understand' lectures more seriously.

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my latest chalkboard design for our dining room. i love making these. chalkboards are such a fun trend, and a cheap and forgiving art form. this verse that stuck out to me this week at the beth moore study of daniel i'm doing (and loving!) at church. that verse and this quote...
"... one of the most powerful mood changers God had ever taught me was to open up my mouth and say, "I choose joy. I may not feel it, but God has appropriated it and I CHOOSE it." [Beth Moore]

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