Saturday, August 29, 2009

what i want

sometimes i get confused about what i want. isn't it enough to want to be happy? to not care what car i drive or the job i end up having or the school i graduate from? but in the midst of my confusion there is one thing i want more than anything else, and i've got it. a relationship with the Lord. i love God and i want to know Him more and more everyday and i want to know what He thinks about me and what He wants me to do. i want to know what He desires for me and i want to desire that too. i don't want to miss something He is saying to me and i don't want to give up obeying him because i love living this life as a pure adventure with God. i don't say it enough because i'm not sure how to, without sounding totally cheeseball. but what i love about the Lord is that He doesn't care how i say it, because He knows what i'm getting at. He knows my heart and He knows what i mean when i can't express it to anyone else.

i want the world to know Him. i want them to realize there is Someone who will fulfill them beyond their wildest dreams, beyond the ability words have to communicate. my heart literally breaks as i listen to people talk and watch them live so hopelessly, because if they only KNEW how much God loves them ... how differently they could live! how much better life would be.

so often i get exasperated and all i can say is, "i just want to save the world."

you know. JUST. save. the world.
but that's what i want. i want the world to know Jesus.

Monday, August 10, 2009

i'm loving ...

1. my prayer language. and the thought of hearing every different language in heaven. all those tongues being interpreted and giving glory to God.
2. red beet eggs. chai. peanut butter cups. egg sandwiches.
3. wilco. james taylor. "colorblind" by counting crows.
4. summer sunshine.
5. being trained at the gym and feeling like i'm making progress.
6. no fear. it's really all that ever holds us back, and that realization is helping me to grow a lot. if God is for us who can be against us?
7. everything joyce meyer had to say on friday night. and the momentum i gain from being in a packed stadium of believers. it reminds me that america is not too far gone, we're still grounded in the Lord. we just need to raise our voices.
8. googling song lyrics. i never got into poetry, but song lyrics ... they get me.
9. how well my mom knows me.
10. the psalms.
11. tim tebow.
12. that the rumbling in my car is gone.
13. being young and free of responsibilities.

Monday, August 3, 2009

never really lost

whenever we were driving with our dad and it seemed like we were lost we'd start to complain about it and he'd say, "now listen, we're not lost. we're just a little misplaced. we never get lost." and we never really were.

probably as a result of lots of adventuring with my dad, i know my way around the area and find myself in charge of directions a lot. sometimes i let the people i'm riding with get lost on purpose. if i'm having a really good time i take all sorts of back roads because i don't want the night to end. like last night.